COVID Advice for Your Business

Get expert advice on keeping your workforce safe and your business running. And for instant support? Book your complimentary call with one of our HR and health & safety experts now.

Return to work guidelines

When returning to normal after months of lockdown, there are several HR and health & safety aspects you need to consider.

Staff returning to work after furlough. Staff returning to work after a period of homeworking. Staff refusing to return to work. Each one has its challenges.

In our FREE guide, we provide you with a step-by-step approach for your return to work.

Call 01455 858 132 or request a call back to claim your free advice.

Download Guide

Furlough advice for business owners

Get expert and efficient advice on furloughing staff and claiming government grants to cover employee salaries. Find out:

  • Which of your employees can go on furlough (i.e. temporarily stop working)
  • How long your employees need to be on furlough, and how much money you can claim for their time off
  • How to follow the correct furlough process to unlock government funding for your business

Get answers to these questions and more by calling one of our expert advisers today on 01455 858 132.

Speak to an expert

Your furlough navigator tool

Furlough navigator is an online tool for BrightHR that helps you collect the data you need to claim Job Retention Scheme grants in one secure place online. Here’s how it works:

  • Pick staff for furlough: Set an employee’s status to furlough with a click of a button. Use your online calendar to see who’s on furlough, who’s on holiday and who’s on sick leave.
  • Track time off: Let the furlough navigator tool record how long your staff are on furlough. Then use this data to work out how much to claim back for wages.
  • Access HR docs online: Get unlimited cloud storage space for your HR docs, including furlough letters. Keep docs safe, secure and easy to access for five years to meet government guidelines. 

Find out how furlough navigator makes it easier to manage your staff and apply for funding. Book your free advice call today.

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Coronavirus HR advice

The COVID-19 outbreak and subsequent lock-down impacts every area of your business. With Croner, you can ensure HR isn’t one of them. So, if you have concerns about:

  • Sickness absence
  • Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
  • Homeworking
  • Harassment, Bullying & Discrimination against those affected
  • Shortage of Work, Redundancy or TUPE

Get in touch with Croner on 01455 858 132 or contact us online and one of our expert advisers will call you back.

Disclaimer: Any information provided by Croner in relation to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (“CJRS”) has been based on guidance published by the Government on its website ( which has been updated regularly. The information provided by Croner in relation to eligibility under the CJRS does not amount to ‘advice’ and Croner does not accept any liability or responsibility for the submission or accuracy of information provided to HMRC in support of claims under the CJRS. All claims submitted to HMRC in respect of the CJRS remain the sole responsibility of the employer.

Call your coronavirus HR helpline

Want instant advice? Book a complimentary call today.