£250 when you refer a business!
Do you know a business or organisation that could benefit from using Croner’s services? If so, why not let us know. As a thank you, you’ll get a £250 if they sign up as a client.
What’s more, our referral incentive is uncapped. You can recommend as many as you like and there’s no limit to how much you can make. Simply complete the short form below to refer a business and we’ll do the rest.
As soon as your recommendation becomes a Croner client, we’ll send over your £250.
So, if you know a business who would benefit from our HR, employment law, and health & safety services, fill in the form below.
Do you have an organisation you would like to recommend? Fill out this form for each business or organisation - as soon as they sign up as a client, you'll receive a £250 reward!
- Quick and easy hassle-free process
- Croner will keep you notified of your recommendation
- £250 will be given for each referral that signs with Croner