
Compare salaries by job and set the right pay for your staff with the UK’s most accurate salary comparison database.

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Online salary check for employers

Search 50,000 jobs, across 34 sectors, over 154 areas in a matter of minutes with SalarySearch—the UK’s most complete job comparison & salary checker software.

SalarySearch is an easy-to-use salary benchmarking tool that gives you instant data on the market rate for job roles across the UK.

Book your FREE demo today and discover:

  • How to set a salary to attract and retain the best recruits and save yourself from interviewing junior or unqualified candidates
  • If you pay your long-term workers above market rate, and how to shut down pay rises without loyal staff jumping ship
  • Whether you pay staff too little and are at risk of a competitor poaching your top talent

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We are rated 4.9/5 based on 156 independent verified reviews.

Fresh salary data, expert analysis

SalarySearch always gives you the most up-to-date data available, collected and analysed by professional salary comparison experts. That’s why it’s the UK’s most trusted salary checker. 

Use SalarySearch to:

  • Compare salaries and wages by job across 50,000 entries and 34 sectors from across the UK
  • See localised pay data for 154 UK areas
  • Get analysis of non-cash job benefits and perks
  • Benchmark salaries for UK job roles and set the right pay for new talent
  • Discover how to reward your best staff, without breaking the bank
  • Get updates by the UK’s leading pay and reward experts.
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Data Participation

Participation from the business community is essential to maintaining the integrity of our database. With your help we can ensure it remains as comprehensive and informative as possible.

Pay rates change depending on where you are in the country. They can differentiate by industry and by the size of your organisation. They can fluctuate based on the UK economy. Today, job seekers are very aware of their worth—so are your staff.

If you want to recruit successfully and retain your employees, you need to get salaries right. With the help of our clients, your benchmarking data is the best in the UK. Help keep it that way.

We’re always looking to add new participants. So, if you’re interested in helping refine your benchmarking data, call our team today on 0800 880 7299 and get a 20% discount on your SalarySearch subscription when you submit your data.

Book a SalarySearch demo today

Check that you pay the right salary to attract & retain talent by getting in touch with Croner today.

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