Manual Handling Training. Minus the Stress…

Get practical manual handling training to keep your staff safe from injury, whatever job they need to pick up

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We take the strain out of manual handling training

Section 2 of the Health & Safety at Work Act says that you need to give your staff manual handling training…

Luckily, with a half-day Croner training course it takes only three and a half hours to learn how to meet your legal duties and keep your staff safe.

Croner courses are quicker and easier than doing manual handling training in-house. And compared to hiring a local health & safety advisor, we bring big savings to your business.

Book manual handling training for your staff today. Call Croner on 01455 858 132.

Your expert manual handling trainer will help you to...

  • Meet legal requirements. Follow the law and protect yourself against fines or injury claims.
  • Set up processes to protect staff. Put in place processes for manual handling that keep employees safe in the workplace.
  • Practice safe lifting. Show your staff how to lift, carry, push and pull without injury.
  • Tackle workplace risk. Identify the causes of manual handling risks and fix them.
  • Get the right safety equipment. Give your staff the tools they need to do the job safely.

Speak to an expert and book your Croner course today

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