Get More From Your Risk Assessment

Where there is life, there is risk. This applies to businesses like yours, and that is why you need good Health & Safety Risk Assessments in place. They’re essential for business safety and avoiding costly fines. Croner provides; on-site visits, round the clock advice and detailed reports to manage your risks.

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Health & safety risk assessments keep you compliant

Over 30 pieces of legislation need health & safety risk assessments. We help you focus on the ones that matter most for safety in the workplace.

A general risk assessment will help identify where you fall short of health & safety regulations. However, a bad health & safety risk assessment will only waste your time. And put you at risk of prosecution.

Invest in a good assessment—conducted by our experts. The Croner team includes members of IOSH and the CIEH. We help over 5,400 health & safety clients every year, keeping their businesses safe and on the right side of the law when it comes to health and safety.

The risk assessment services we offer

With us, you get much more than just a basic health & safety assessment.  Our service will help you properly, and thoroughly, identify risks. Then we help you cut them out.

Here’s how it works:

  • An initial risk assessment relevant to the law.
    We spot the health & safety hazards that put you on the wrong side of the law.
  • On-the-day practical fixes.
    We give practical advice on how to remove risk and deliver duty-of-care. So you can be sure you’re not breaking the law, without breaking the bank.
  • A watertight written report.
    You get a written report following the risk assessment from a health & safety expert. This will stand up to scrutiny if you ever face a claim in court.
  • Improved employee wellbeing.
    Safe workers make better workers. Your risk assessment will provide action points on how to reduce the chance of work-related sickness and increase productivity.
  • A plan for growth.
    We give you an action plan to improve your health & safety and get the best for your business as it grows.

Unfortunately, hazards don’t just disappear overnight. With industries changing around global demand and new technologies, new hazards need to be considered. That’s why we provide optional health & safety training on risk assessments.

Our training courses will teach you how to conduct your own health & safety at work risk assessment. You’ll learn all the secrets of the trade which will make it quicker to control specific risks in the workplace.

Find out more about our risk assessment training services by calling our health & safety team today on 01455 818 132.

Speak to an expert

Our health & safety experts offer on-site support

We’ll conduct the first initial health and safety risk assessment on-site with one of our expert consultants. Once you agree a time and a date, we will survey your workplace and identify all the hazards and risks to your employees and your business.

You will get practical advice on how to cut out risks to safety. This will be followed by a full written report to show that you meet the letter of the law.

We will also provide a series of action points ranked by urgency to ensure you know which risks are most prominent. If you need advice following the initial assessment, we’re only a phone call away.

Finally, you’ll receive a follow-up visit to further support you on-site as you are making progress on the highlighted hazards.

Read our reviews

We are rated 4.9/5 based on 156 independent verified reviews.

Contact our risk assessment specialists today

We provide health & safety risk assessments for small businesses and large, in all industries and sectors. Whether you need a full workplace assessment, or aren’t certain whether your current assessment is up to scratch, Croner is here to help.

We will guarantee legal compliance and help keep your workplace safe.

Avoid pouring over regulations and legislation by yourself. Avoid the costs of hiring a local advisor. Get big savings for your business by speaking to one of experts today on 01455 858 132.

Want more from your risk assessment?

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