Health & Safety Training

Grow your staff’s skill set and confidence to manage safety in the workplace. With our health & safety training courses, you empower them to take action, enhancing both productivity and wellbeing.

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What is health & safety training?

Health & safety training gives your staff the knowledge and skills to ensure their safety and wellbeing at work. Training your staff also includes sharing and refreshing relevant information, not just giving them new courses and sessions.

When you train your staff in health & safety procedures, you tell them:

  • What they should do - to ensure safety and preserve wellbeing
  • What they shouldn’t to - to avoid accidents, illness, and financial loss
  • What rules and procedures they should follow – to achieve all the above

With Croner, you can instruct your staff on aspects of health & safety most relevant to your industry. By doing so, you fulfil your duty-of-care as an employer. You also enable your employees to promote high standards in their working environment.

The responsibility of creating and managing health & safety systems falls on you.
The responsibility of following and using these systems falls on your employees too.
Equip your staff with the skills and knowledge they need, so they can improve and maintain safety in the workplace.

We hold regular health & safety group training sessions nationwide—but don’t worry if you can’t make one. Our consultants also provide workplace health & safety training in person.

Find out more by calling us on 01455 858 132.

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Health & safety training – online and face to face

Your workforce can gain knowledge and boost their skills both online and offline. Both options come with advantages for you to weigh in and decide which one works best for your company.

Our online health & safety training courses give you the flexibility to schedule a time that works for your team.  With our in-person sessions your employees will learn from hands-on practical examples and exercises under the direct guidance of the trainer.

Certain aspects will always stay relevant to most workplaces, such as fire awareness or dealing with slips and trips. All working environments need to have risk assessments in place. They also need to deal with incidents and accidents at some point, complete forms, and report under RIDDOR if necessary.

We cover these basic health & safety training topics both in 45 minutes webinars, and bespoke courses to fit your needs.

Choose our health & safety training in the UK

What makes the real difference between Croner and other health & safety training providers?

Our consultants will work with you to find the best teaching style to fit your company and your workforce. Not only will they offer you a variety of solutions, but they will also help you decide which works best for you.

With health & safety online and offline training for UK businesses, you will maintain high standards, stay compliant and avoid breaking the law.

Call us to discuss the best training options for you, on 01455 858 132.


How Croner’s health & safety training procedure works

We don’t provide training that just ticks boxes and files certificates away to be forgotten. Our consultants have extensive industry breadth and give your employees what they need to contribute towards a safe working environment. They ensure learners meet outcomes at the end of the session and that these outcomes stay relevant to the business.

We put the content of our courses together with the following considerations in mind:

  • What skills and knowledge do learners need?
  • What is their current level of skills and knowledge?
  • What training style will best suit the environment and the learners?
  • How will the training impact the business both short and long term?
Health & Safety Training

Structured health & safety training

The way we structure our training sessions, regardless of duration and topic, ensure that:

  • We conduct the training with the desired outcomes in mind.
  • We identify and tackle gaps in knowledge and skills.
  • We prioritise those aspects where previously gained knowledge and skills lacks most.
  • Your staff gain the competencies they need in that area.
  • These competencies translate into behaviours.
  • These behaviours will positively impact safety and wellbeing within the business.

This is what makes our health & safety staff training stand out. We promote practical, real-life learning that will not only keep your workplace safe but will also protect your business from prosecution.

Read our reviews

We are rated 4.9/5 based on 156 independent verified reviews.

Boost your health & safety skills

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