Domestic Abuse - An Employment Law Guide

blog-publish-date 02 February 2021

Domestic abuse includes but is not limited to controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour. It can be physical, emotional, psychological, and/or financial, and can take place in person or through digital means. The abuse is usually between adults who are or have been in an intimate relationship, or between family members.

Domestic abuse is usually a pattern of behaviour, although it can be a one-off event and research shows that those who are experiencing domestic abuse can be targeted at work. It is crucial, therefore, that employers recognise that any member of their workforce could be subject to domestic abuse, and in some cases, the victim may not realise that the behaviour displayed towards them is abuse.

External studies show that domestic abuse mostly affects women and is perpetrated by men. However, it is essential that employers keep in mind that men experience this form of abuse and it can also happen in same sex relationships so any efforts made to help should be directed accordingly. This is crucial also to avoid possible claims of discrimination.

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For more information on spotting the signs of domestic abuse and managing it, download your free guide today here:



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Domestic Abuse - An Employment Law Guide

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