Is Digital the Solution to Health & Safety Compliance? Yes says Employees Survey

By Chris Wagstaff.
16 Oct 2017
2 minutes read

A new survey has found that employees see the digitisation of health & safety as essential to achieving compliance – a service already available to businesses through Croner Simplify.

The survey of 2,000 employees by Workplace Mobile also found that two-thirds of British workers want their bosses to invest in health and safety technology to make workplaces safer, with 37% of staff saying operations manuals and employee handbooks should be digitised to make them easier to access and read. In addition 68% of employees believe digital health and safety solutions would help companies become more compliant and manage the safety of staff more effectively. For many businesses Croner’s Simplify service is the solution to digitising workplace Health & Safety compliance.

What is Croner Simplify?

Croner Simplify is a unique service which combines cloud based software, telephone advice, insurance and on-site support to help organisations of all sizes improve efficiency and protect & ensure compliance with HR and Health & Safety law. Andy Brookes, Head of Health & Safety, says: “Simplify is designed to make your life easier by helping you to cut the cost and time of managing your employees. “From a health & safety perspective our focus is on sensible risk management, helping you to prioritise what needs to be done to ensure your business is compliant with legislation and concentrating on the significant hazards to health, safety, welfare and property.”

Health & Safety Benefits of Simplify

Simplify’s Health & Safety digital benefits include:

  • Record and manage accidents, incidents and disease details
  • Produce user-defined and fixed Health & Safety reporting
  • Multisite logging and reporting capability
  • Configure function to provide hierarchical access and data reporting
  • Access to Health & Safety telephone assistance and legal helpline

To find out more about Croner’s digital solutions please call Croner today.

About the Author

Chris Wagstaff

Chris is the Director of Health and Safety at Croner. Chris is also CMIOSH accredited, an IOSH Mentor and HSE People Champion and has over 20 years working in Health & Safety.


Fiona Burns

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