ESQCR - An Overview

By Chris Wagstaff.
27 Aug 2021
4 minutes read


What is it?

It stands for Electrical Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations 2002 as amended. They specify safety standards which are aimed at protecting the public and consumers from danger. In addition, the Regulations specify power quality and supply continuity requirements. This is to ensure an efficient and economic electricity supply service for consumers.

Duty Holders which fall under the ESQCR have duties to report certain incidents involving the safety of those not employed by you. This also includes domestic fatalities (where electrocution was the cause) and major supply interruptions.

This is different to reporting under RIDDOR. This requires you to report and keep record of work-related death, certain serious injuries, diagnosed cases of certain industrial diseases and certain dangerous occurrences

Am I a duty holder?

Duty holders under ESQCR include:

Generator Operators – (A person who generates electricity at high voltage for the purpose of supplying consumers' installations via a network).

Transmission Operators - Those licenced to transmit electricity either as Transmission Owners and/or Transmission Operators.

Distribution Network Operators - A person who owns and operates a network (except within the meaning of Part 1 of the Railway Act 1993).

Suppliers - A person who contracts to supply electricity to consumers.

Meter Operators / Smart Meter Communicators - A person who installs, maintains, or removes metering equipment. This equipment is used for measuring the flow of energy to or from a network at or near the supply terminals.

What are my responsibilities?

The relevant duty holder is responsible for reporting any incident (identified below) under ESQCR, which is in entirety or in part to the generating, transforming, control or carrying of energy up to and including the consumers supply terminals and involves a network or equipment which is in ownership of, under the control of, or used by the duty holder.

Reportable incidents are:

  • The death of any person other than a person engaged by the duty older for the purpose of their business.
  • Any injury (including electric shock) of any person other than a person engaged by the duty older for the purpose of their business.
  • Any Fire
  • Any explosion or implosion.
  • Any incident in whole or in part to the presence of energy on the consumers side of the supply terminals. This can be on any non-industrial and non-commercial premises resulting in the death of any person.
  • Any incident which caused an overhead line to be at a height less than that required by regulations.
  • Any damage to any underground cable resulting from an incident not specified above.
  • Any other incident including the consumer’s side of the supply terminals on any non-industrial and non-commercial premises. You should consider the circumstances of the incident, was it likely to cause death, injury, fire explosion or implosion?

All ESQCR reportable incidents can be reported via the HSE website. Fatal or serious injury (any injury resulting in the person being admitted into hospital as an inpatient) can also be reported by telephone to the HSE.

Expert support

If you need further guidance on ESQCR in your workplace, speak to one of our health & safety experts today on 01455 858 132.

About the Author

Chris Wagstaff

Chris is the Director of Health and Safety at Croner. Chris is also CMIOSH accredited, an IOSH Mentor and HSE People Champion and has over 20 years working in Health & Safety.


Fiona Burns

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