Post COVID Recruitment: How to Find Candidates

By April Harrington.
22 Sep 2021

Recruiting new talent is a complex process. Throw in a global pandemic and a recovering economy, and you’ll have further complications when you try to find candidates.

Many businesses are increasing starting salaries to find the best talent. But is this the best approach as the economy is recovering after the COVID pandemic?

You may need to open up your business to new possibilities, in order to run a cost-effective recruitment process.

Let us outline the key things you should consider when searching for talent post-COVID.

looking for candidates post covid

Post-COVID employment

What candidates want

When you are looking to find candidates, you need to consider what the right person to recruit wants from that role. Think of why they will choose to work for your business.

During the pandemic, individuals had the opportunity to evaluate what they want from their jobs. This varies from person to person, but common ones include:

Take the first step by researching what employees want in your sector. Then, when you have formed a clear idea, incorporate it into your business.

Determining what candidates want before even hearing from them may seem impossible. However, the answer may be a lot closer to home than you think. Existing employees can tell a company a lot about the trends they should look out for. Start by asking your existing employees – what they value and enjoy most in working there. Also, remember to ask what would improve the working environment for them. For example, you might find that your staff want more flexibility or newer technology.

Determine what makes your business attractive to employees when you are looking to find candidates for vacant roles. By researching and paying close attention to existing staff, you will increase your chances to attract the right people for your business.

employee working remotely with a cat

Hybrid working and more flexibility

2021 has put more emphasis than ever before on hybrid working. If it’s possible to implement in your workplace, it’s a simple way to make your roles more attractive.

Keep in mind the new government proposition around flexible working. The government is considering giving all employees the right to request for it when they start a new job. Currently, employees can only request it after the first 6 months of employment.

In hybrid working models, staff combine working from home and from the office. While not a new concept, it has become much more popular in the past two years. As a result, people who have worked from home during the last 12 months may be more interested in applying for flexible roles.

According to a recent study, publicising the availability of flexible working patterns may contribute to a 30% increase in job applicants. Look at it as an internal benefit too. Introducing some flexibility can maintain high morale and improve staff retention.

Hybrid working, however, will not work the same for all businesses. For some it may even have drawbacks. For example, some roles may be difficult to undertake from home, even on a part-time basis. In these cases, explore other forms of flexible working. Varying start and finish times is a great alternative, as is staggering shift patterns.

Find candidates with current recruitment trends

The impact of coronavirus will undoubtedly affect the way employers recruit new talent. What workers value will continue to change.

The current trend seems to be company culture and flexibility. With this in mind, you may benefit from reviewing your stance and policies that influence this. Open your business up to those changing careers, and get to know what candidates really value in an employer.

If you need support with finding candidates for your business, speak to a recruitment and HR expert today on 01455 858 132.

About the Author

April Harrington.

An experienced Senior Employment Law Consultant, who has worked for the group for over 9 years. April specialises in discrimination legislation. April has an extensive background in training, as well as recruitment and hospitality.